How's your mortgage rates?
Do you need help?
Are you or anyone you know near foreclosure?
What can we do to help as a community?
How's Gov. Deval Patrick doing?
How's President Barack Obama doing?
Can you afford your health insurance?
Is your medical and Rx co-pays too high?
Do you know what Cape Care is all about?
Are you happy with your utility rates for home heating oil, gas, cable, internet, & electric?
Are local cable companies riding roughshod in your towns?
Who is on your cable advisory committee?
Are you interested in joining your own town committees? With our rights, comes responsibilities can YOU help in your community?
Do you want green energy in your community?
Why is MSNBC not free on the basic cable line up on the east coast, yet still free on the west coast?
Why do we get Fox news included, and now are forced to have Fox Corporation in the comcastic line up and be considered Fox "customers"?
Should you get involved?
Are your town, county, and state representatives serving you well?
What do you need from them?
Speak your mind towards building "our own positive conscience community" on Cape Cod.
What community events are you into?
What services do you think we can live without ?
What services do you think we need?
e.g./ Curbside Recycling/ Community Based Gas to Electric Vehicular Conversions!
Should we be converting some of our town owned vehicles from gas to electric?
Medium Speed Electric Vehicles permitted on Cape Cod.
Where: Harwich Cafe 98 Parallel Street Harwich Center, MA
Phone: (508) 432-9801
When: Saturday, April 25, 2009
Time: 9 am - 11am
Speak your mind towards building "our own positive conscience community" on Cape Cod.
Meeting Agenda:
Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America & Cape Cod
Cape Cod Time Bank
Cape Cod Community Gardens Network - Share Croppers
= Plant 1, Grow 1, Eat 1, Share 1
- Chuck M. Micciche & Eric Bobo (Harwich)
- Mark Hopeman (Orleans & Eastham)
- Pamela Lloyd Baker & Joe Bangert, (Brewster)
- Taylor Ann Lane, (Dennis)
What's your agenda!